Animal Communication

What is Animal Communication?


Animal Communication is all about listening to the Animal Kingdom on a different level.

Instead of using your normal senses you tune in with your so-called subtle senses and you connect from your “Heart Space” surpassing the normal frequency of words. Animal Communication is an inborn skill we all have. Most of us have just forgotten how to tune into this amazing ability due to our incredibly busy lives.

“Like most people who start out with “remembering” and reconnecting with this non-verbal, heart-based communication I was quite doubtful whether I would receive any information.  But life guides you to what you are supposed to do and now, only a few years later here I am teaching an Animal Communication class called Linking Awareness – A Healing Journey! I have no doubt that we are all capable of communicating with The Animal and Nature Kingdom. It really is an innate/inborn skill we are tapping into. Throughout the years I have realised that what is most important is to be open-hearted  and open-minded and be willing to let go of belief systems and expectations which are the things that get in the way of clear communication. When you can truly listen with your heart it is amazing to hear what the Animal Kingdom and Nature is trying to share with us and teach us.” - Lucia Meijer 

If you’re interested in “remembering” your own ability to listen to all sentient beings please join Lucia for a Linking Awareness Journey Class which is a 3-day experiential workshop and come and experience the magic for yourself.

In her BodyTalk for Animals sessions Lucia incorporates her animal communication skills to help with the sessions and receive more information to support the balancing/healing.


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

Helen Keller

Wish to book an Animal Communication / BodyTalk for Animals session?